
Vainqueur Lyot M2 REISSUE 16BIT FLAC 2012 BABAS

1st track preview 📣

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< episode#69915 | spice vapeur >
++ useless use of space edition ++


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. :::::| METADATA SUMMARY |\::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :
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artist > Vainqueur
title > Lyot
year > 2012
genre > Techno
mood > techno

label > Maurizio
catno > M2

predate > 2023-06-13
tracks > 2
size > 110.69 mb

url >
buy >

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codec > FLAC
encoder > FLAC
quality > 961Kbps/16Bit/44.1kHz/2CH
source > WEB FLAC

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01. Vainqueur - Lyot 8:52
02. Vainqueur - Lyot (Maurizio Mix) 7:09


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The second record in the popular M series features the two versions of
"Lyot" that have become classics. The song was originally written by
German artist Rene Lowe as Vainqueur, then remixed and released by
Maurizio on the M label. The original mix by Vainqueur was the
artist's first release and documents a harder, more traditional style
of techno than what the artist would eventually gain notoriety for on
the Chain Reaction label soon after. "Lyot (Original Mix)" moves
quickly and assaults the listener with its dense percussive rhythm,
consisting of an underlying bassline and several layers of high-
frequency percussive loops. "Lyot (Maurizio Mix)" has little in common
with Vainqueur's mix, with the exception of its trademark riff. It is
debatable which version is the stronger of the two, since both are
unique and of high quality for their era. Vainqueur's mix is a bit
more cluttered and less mechanical, while Maurizio's hits harder and
is much more streamlined in terms of content.
&copy Jason Birchmeier /TiVo

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last nfo update: 20220405

Archive's content
filenamesize, bytes
00-vainqueur-lyot-(m2)-reissue-16bit-web-flac-2012.nfo7 814
00-vainqueur-lyot-(m2)-reissue-16bit-web-flac-2012.jpg87 010
01-vainqueur-lyot-9d974fa6.flac64 468 343
02-vainqueur-lyot_(maurizio_mix)-086c1acd.flac51 598 931