
VA Five Years Of Signal Pt 2 SGN047 2024 BABAS

1st track preview 📣

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artist > Various Artists
title > Five Years of Signal, Pt. 2
year > 2024
genre > Techno
mood > Techno

label > Signal Ltd
catno > SGN047

predate > 2024-05-12
tracks > 26
size > 357.05 mb

url >
info >

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codec > MPEG 1 layer 3
encoder > LAME 3.100
quality > 320Kbps/CBR/44.1kHz/2CH/Dual Channel
source > WEB FLAC

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01. Lidvall - Pose 5:51
02. Drop E - Gamma Decay (Lakej Remix) 5:37
03. Jorg Rodriguez - Operate 7:03
04. Drop E - Error Vision 6:54
05. PWCCA - Internal Conversion 5:22
06. Mesh Convergence - Layout 5:12
07. PWCCA - The Doors (A Thousand Details Remix 2) 5:58
08. Zigler - Percezione alterata (RNGD Remix) 5:06
09. DCM SP - Conciencia (Linear Phase Remix) 6:27
10. Drop E - Single Failure Criterion 5:22
11. Drop E - Infinito Letargo (PWCCA Reform) 5:26
12. Mossed - Xxiia 6:32
13. BRLLE - Less Than Zero (Dave Wincent Remix) 4:55
14. T Dok - Among Us 5:56
15. Zigler - Pensiero introverso 5:45
16. Russ ARG - Unforgettable Memories 5:46
17. Drop E - Burnable Poison 6:34
18. Aske - Refuse 5:53
19. Drop E - Vastago (Kellener Remix) 7:23
20. Wlack - Vcvdr 5:32
21. Marnyc - Viso (Robert Johnstone Remix) 7:47
22. Drop E - Inherent 5:50
23. VRD - Molecular Reaction 6:43
24. Drop E - Ego Enquistado (Uron Remix) 6:26
25. Joaquin Ruiz - Phase 003 6:08
26. Ricky Cross - Enter 4:08


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last nfo update: 20220405

Archive's content
filenamesize, bytes
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01-lidvall-pose-dc068ba4.mp314 086 680
02-drop_e-gamma_decay_(lakej_remix)-b482afe2.mp313 502 038
03-jorg_rodriguez-operate-54b89325.mp316 975 594
04-drop_e-error_vision-efd905bf.mp316 609 507
05-pwcca-internal_conversion-440f5914.mp312 911 066
06-mesh_convergence-layout-749abfb4.mp312 496 869
07-pwcca-the_doors_(a_thousand_details_remix_2)-27422ad9.mp314 347 183
08-zigler-percezione_alterata_(rngd_remix)-3a3e67ec.mp312 290 850
09-dcm_sp-conciencia_(linear_phase_remix)-1cd489de.mp315 534 316
10-drop_e-single_failure_criterion-e3cf53fa.mp312 916 310
11-drop_e-infinito_letargo_(pwcca_reform)-49e40af4.mp313 073 215
12-mossed-xxiia-84d195d0.mp315 705 802
13-bralle-less_than_zero_(dave_wincent_remix)-9e88ee38.mp311 840 057
14-t_dok-among_us-220f89d1.mp314 273 909
15-zigler-pensiero_introverso-6fae6003.mp313 853 464
16-russ_arg-unforgettable_memories-fce68391.mp313 873 347
17-drop_e-burnable_poison-4ef17b2f.mp315 796 819
18-aske-refuse-84409e6e.mp314 137 931
19-drop_e-vastago_(kellener_remix)-41b7db60.mp317 745 428
20-wlack-vcvdr-03181076.mp313 331 509
21-marnyc-viso_(robert_johnstone_remix)-5d26e8c3.mp318 720 257
22-drop_e-inherent-e8d5163a.mp314 049 033
23-vrod-molecular_reaction-3952721a.mp316 166 038
24-drop_e-ego_enquistado_(uron_remix)-a0b7955d.mp315 469 462
25-joaquin_ruiz-phase_003-531b68fb.mp314 754 014
26-ricky_cross-enter-40c627ba.mp39 937 436