
Alter Ego Betty Ford Vinyl 2000 kW

1st track preview 📣

k l a n g w e r k


artist : alter ego
album : betty ford (vinyl)
year : 2000
genre : Techno
label : klang elektronik (klang elektronik nr38)


supplier : bandit_3p
ripper : bandit_3p
rls-date : 08/08/00
encoder : Fhg Radium MP3 codec v1.263
quality : 192k/44100


a1 betty ford
a2 chocolate box
b1 die tuba und der schneebesen
b2 mensa

4 tracks (28:38)


"They are finally back and they are better than ever before.
This 12'' will contain bits and pieces of the current live-set
they've been successfully playing all over Germany and off
course fat new slammin' track s in an unheard quality."

well i got this baby a long time in my record collection, and
it's out since april... so sorry for the delay! greetings to the
lovely betty.


...kW more betty!



greetings to sweetbeats, quadrophenia, sour, mindscape, emission

visit #klangwerk on efnet

Archive's content
filenamesize, bytes
00-alter_ego--betty_ford_(vinyl)-2000-kw.nfo1 664
00-alter_ego--betty_ford_(vinyl)-2000-kw_flyer.jpg108 329
a1-betty_ford-kw.mp39 227 675
a2-chocolate_box-kw.mp310 964 829
b1-die_tuba_und_der_schneebesen-kw.mp310 428 362
b2-mensa-kw.mp310 665 593